
About Us

We support leaders in executing changes. We focus on the goal as well as the people realizing it.
We create the inspiration, consciousness and ability for improvement.
Every project is a personal matter. For us too. We want to make an impact.



Our values

We do not beat about the bush! We speak about non-rational and intuitive things too, we dare to work with our feelings and emotions. We speak out when we notice topics and we support organizations to have less of these. We often give and receive confrontational feedback and this is what we learn the most from.


We do not consider ourselves suppliers. We feel the greatest success when we think, experiment and learn together with our clients and thus complete projects that soon become shared journeys.


<p>We do not pretend &rdquo;as if&rdquo;.</p> <ul>   <li>We step close to participant&rsquo;s daily work, we work  with real-life situations.</li>   <li>We only take in projects if we believe in the  possibility of development.</li>   <li>We look for the root causes instead of symptoms. We do  not stay on the surface.</li>   <li>You  can be sure, that you have our full attention in our common endeavors.</li> </ul>




We believe we can provide the best support with our work. Several times a year, we take role in pro bono projects in order to support good causes outside of the business sector.


Organizational development

Quality dialogue is the main basis of every development initiative, be it a planning, goal-setting, operational development or transformational process. We support our clients in creating this honest back and forth in order to bring new realizations, to energize and to strengthen connections. In our work, we simultaneously yearn to strengthen the abilities for organizational changes, to optimize business efficiency and to evolve an organizational culture and functioning that is attractive to the coworkers on the long term too. 



Leadership development

The main factor affecting organizations functioning is their leaders. If they develop, their effect multiplies. Thus, we too can best, in the most direct manner affect our clients’ organizations by developing, supporting, guiding their leaders. We consider the leaders as those, who with their own functioning, practices, desires and needs are enabling their organization to improve. Hence, our goal is to strengthen and support them that is inevitably a road to self-knowledge for them as well.




Working with bright-eyed talents is a bliss. They are enthusiastic, committed, and willing to take high levels of responsibility for learning, improving. We believe that an organization that consciously deals with improving the human potency within, contributes to strengthening the inner and outer corporate brand while building the company of the future. Our company realizes talent programs on the basis of researching multi-year careers, while thinking in systems and adjusting to various organizational cultures. Our processes offer a diverse methodological palette to our clients.



We develop teams

Team effectiveness and collaboration are the foundation of organiz ational success. We support them to respond appropriately to different challenges - whether it's the arrival of a new leader, organisational change or situations caused by technological changes such as artificial intelligence - while strengthening their internal cohesion and resilience. Our aim is to ensure that teams are able to maintain effective collaboration and joint problem-solving in the long term, even in the face of everyday challenges.




We keep researching, since we yearn knowledge and inspiration...

While talking to business or HR leaders, or even to entrants during the trainings and workshops we face plenty of recurrent questions, dilemmas. These are familiar to all of us, not only from workplace situations, but also from our personal lives, since our world’s shifting values, expectations and possibilities are mirrored in them.



Our partners

We have been working together for years

affidea bw

autoliv bw

bayer bw

cetelem bw

erste bw

groupama bw

lego bw

elelmiszerbank bw

telekom bw

metro bw

mol bw

raiffaisen bw

richter bw

tesa bw

tetpra bw

teva bw

tsystems bw

upc bw



H- 1142 Budapest, Rákospatak street/str. 82.
Phone/fax: +36-20/371-6044, E-mail: office@odpartner.hu
Free parking in the surrounding streets.


Contact (Us)